A complete guide to your Guinea pig

Why get a guinea pig? Building a pet-owner relationship Basic care/Illnesses How to understand you Pig Showing Breeding your Guinea pigs Newborn guinea pigs Introducing your cavy with other pets Cavy personalities How to become close you your cavy Cool cavy facts More random facts Guinea pig fun and games What's New Guinea Gallery About the authors Guest Book

Why get a Guinea pig?

In my life I have owned many rodents. Out of many years of experience, the guinea pig (also know as the cavy) is the winner of my heart. Guinea pigs are easy to care for, have very sweet personalities. They can see colors unlike most rodents, and dogs, and they can even use a litter box. They are full of joy and life as they bounce around the cage. They love to be handled, and cuddled. Guinea pigs are also a great first pet  for children as young as five, to adults as old as one hundred. 

How to prepare for the guinea pig before she or he comes home

Before you bring your Cavy home for the first time, make sure you set up a cage with food, water, bedding, a litter box, and chew toys. A good bedding to use that is cheap, and safe for your pet is pine bedding. NEVER EVER USE CEDAR bedding! This is because Cedar has strong oils, and lots of dust particles that can get your pig sick! You can also use straw, paper bedding, or Carefresh®!

For the food pellets, I suggest that you buy guinea pig pellets that don't contain seeds or nuts. Also don't use rabbit pellets as they don't contain all the necessary nutrients that a guinea pig needs. Below is a list of necessary items that you need for your guinea pig for her to be happy.

1. A cage specifically designed for guinea pig.

2. Feeding dish

3. Any bedding other than cedar

4. Water bottle

5. Vitamin C drops 



Mike's guinea pig is hanging out in the grass

Guinea pigs should always be provided with many fresh fruits and veggies!  Also remember to give your piggies fresh, filtered water with Vitamin C drops, to assure you that your pet is healthy and happy. You can train your guinea pig with treats, and get it to use the litter box!




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