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Why get a guinea pig? Building a pet-owner relationship Basic care/Illnesses How to understand you Pig Showing Breeding your Guinea pigs Newborn guinea pigs Introducing your cavy with other pets Cavy personalities How to become close you your cavy Cool cavy facts More random facts Guinea pig fun and games What's New Guinea Gallery About the authors Guest Book

What's New with Our Pigs?



March 30

Mike here.  Anna has something to tell you, but I'll let her tell you! 

Hint: baby


Some time

Ok, I need to update the site more!


November 2008

 Michael got a new guinea pig!  I'ts all black like Michael's old one Walter, but a lot smaller than Michael's old guinea pig, Walter (Walter was a "little" fat).  think he's going to name it Henry, but I don't know.  


A long time ago

Hello all! Recently some problems have occurred. Walter, Michaels great cavy was playing outside and he unexpectedly tore off and ran away. WE haven't been able to find him since then and all hope is lost. Michael may get another guinea pig but from the look of this He has decided to space some time before getting another guinea pig.


Sping break. YAY!